Hi! I'm Jelena Meisel

I'm a mom and wife based in the Rocky mountains. I love cooking, hiking and traveling.

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March Madness

Mar 3, 2017

Well, hello March! February definitely flew right by, without so much as a whisper! So cheers to sending February off and welcoming March with lots of motivation and sunshine. I also wanted to say hello before my blog grows cobwebs. I have so many blog topics running through my head, albeit time, priorities… but I miss writing. I miss seeing words float on the screen and pressing PUBLISH. Writing helps me reflect, and when I reflect, I learn.

The lesson I have learned this week… there is very little that escapes the little eyes aka Kiki’s eyes. People have told me she’s a mini me, but until I woke up this Sunday morning and saw her writing out her version of the weekly meal plan, I never took it seriously.

meal plan

On Sunday mornings, I usually I drink my coffee, peruse cookbooks and recipes and based on the schedule, I pick out a few meals and share them with Kiki to get her approval. Kiki approved dinners are always a guaranteed success on school nights, and like her mamma, she feasts with her eyes first. We really do teach by example – modeling affects behavior far more than telling our children what to do. This lesson wasn’t just about imitating the meal planning but rather imitating life the way I lead it. I know that I have to do my best to be the kind of person that I want my child to be, we all do; because our children are watching. We are the teachers of the next generation and they are learning from our beliefs and behaviors.

If it was up to Kiki, our weekly meal plan would look like this:

weekly menu plan

But lucky for us, our meal plan this week looked like this:

weekly menu

Sunday: Pasta with goat cheese, chicken, asparagus and broccoli

Monday: Work dinner

Tuesday: Roasted brussels sprouts salad

Wednesday: Toasted tuscan rustic bread with avocado and

Thursday: Slow Cooker Cashew Chicken

Friday: Kiki’s home made pizza


What did you make this week? I’d love to hear what you’re cooking up these days…please share your recipes, I am always looking for ideas.


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I believe in balancing health and happiness with lots of flavor! My hope is that you find a recipe here that becomes a new favorite and you share it with your loved ones for years to come.

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